
A Recurring Blog for LEON

  A Recurring Blog for This week I am creating a project for LEON , a company whose platform was designed as a way to empower managers and leaders with insights and strategies to improve the health, resilience, and culture of their teams. Through their platform, employees can remark on how they are doing with their work . This gives managers and executives an incredible overview of the mental state of not just the overall company, but specific teams as well.  With a platform that gives companies this level of insight, it’s no surprise their client list contains companies like DoorDash, Airbnb, Intuit, and many others. So, how can a weekly blog drum up more business for LEON? Don’t they already have blog posts and a podcast? Yes, they do, and they’re masterfully done. But, they focus more on direct promotion. A weekly blog focusing on indirect promotion could accomplish several things. Keep current clientele engaged with weekly postings, giving them ideas for R&R, how to take advant

Interested in Moving to The Beach?

  Davis Flachs Interested in Moving to The Beach? Here’s Where to Start. Miami Beach, FL So you find yourself looking to move, yearning for the salt, sand, and sea. You’ve come to the right place! Moving to the beach can be a great experience for anyone. Whether you are a young professional or a retiree, there’s a beachtown for you.  Especially so for young professionals, but also for retirees, renting is more often a better option as opposed to buying. Step One: Location, Location, Location! Finding the right location is so important, I needed to say it three times over. The first step is outlining the key things you want in a city or town. Does the charm of Charleston appeal to you? Or do you want the lively atmosphere of Miami Beach? Maybe the active, yet relaxed environment of Destin, Florida? Once you identify what traits you’d find favorable, spend some time researching various places. Your dream town awaits. Destin, FL Once you’ve found your town, now you need to choose a neighb

The Adaptability of The Company Structure

  Davis Flachs The Adaptability of The Company Structure In mid-2019, I found myself an underwriting job working for a company called Prescient National. It was a small-medium-sized worker’s compensation insurer, coming in just under fifty employees, with ten of those alongside me in underwriting. Being an underwriter meant the heat was on us. The executives wanted to know how we were performing for the quarter, sales was pounding on our door seeing if we had priced their prospective client yet. We were pounding down the claims department’s door, seeing if they were done vetting the prospective client’s previous claims. Uneven Workplace Working in this ecosystem allowed me to get occasional glances into each department, seeing exactly how they worked. This ecosystem did not come with total balance. Most of the time it was the underwriting department who were left waiting on the other departments. Constantly wondering if the sales department was ready for us to price, or if the claims d

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Time In The Gym

  Davis Flachs How To Get The Most Out Of Your Time In The Gym What exactly is the perfect combination of rest, diet, gym-time to cut out wasted hours? Hours upon hours are wasted every week in the gym. I’ve been the victim of this myself. When I turned seventeen, I took a long look at myself and my life, realizing I could do better and it was time to reinvent myself. I took to the gym religiously. Although my motives were well-intentioned, I ran into a problem many beginners find themselves with: doing it all wrong. I never took a day off, then I’d lose motivation for a week or two before getting back into the gym. My form was horrible. I had a rough schedule in my head, but was prone to stray from it. I ate better, but often found my newfound efforts in the gym served as an excuse to eat poorly. The reason for all of this? My inclination to think “I can do it myself” and “I don’t need outside help” for one, but most importantly, the gym can be a scary place to a newcomer. You may not

Sales? I Thought This Was Underwriting!

  Davis Flachs Sales? I Thought This Was Underwriting! It was the fall of 2019 and I was considering taking a break from college. I still had no idea what field I wanted to go into, so I thought maybe I should shift my focus and find some employment for a year or two. I applied to every position within two hundred miles that had the word “intern” or “trainee” in the title. Within a month, I had found myself gainfully employed by a workman’s compensation company under the title “Insurance Trainee” and promptly sent in my drop out forms to my university. For the first few months, I worked in underwriting. I liked it, but it was quite repetitive with not much interaction outside the company. Sales handed us potential accounts, we analyzed risk, spoke to the client about their needs, then priced the account. Wash, rinse, repeat. Then, March 2020 came around. The pandemic changed everything. Sales had a harder time signing clients, so underwriting was left empty-handed. One day my superviso

Marketing a Political Campaign

  Davis Flachs Marketing a Political Campaign At the age of nineteen, I secured a position with Dan Bishop’s congressional campaign. I figured as an “intern” I would be stuffing envelopes at a fold-out table surrounded by dozens of people doing more important things.  This was not the case. I showed up on my first day only to find two cars out front. I walked into the office park in semi-rural Union County, unsure if any of the units were actually occupied. I called the campaign manager. He came out and walked me to the comically small room which was our headquarters.  We spoke for a few minutes, getting to know each other before starting to outline my responsibilities. It turned out I would not be completing trivial tasks such as stuffing envelopes. I would be assisting with event planning and marketing, among other things. By the end of the campaign, I helped plan multiple fundraisers and a parade, and provided key points to focus on which demographics we should target. Switching Up